You would be mistaken if you thought the word above was a typo. The word is a new word for ex-evangelical. It is a word that describes...

A Reflection on Psalm 82
Have you ever gotten a big head only to be knocked down immediately? The kind of whiplash that makes the words “pride comes before the...

Reflection on Psalm 22
Who hasn’t felt like David in this Psalm? It’s conflicted. It's ruthlessly honest. It's hopelessly hopeful, and yet it isn’t willing to...

Who controls your future?
Why do we worry about events that are far beyond our control?

What do I say to my friend when their church says homosexuality isn’t sinful?
I live in West Michigan, the Reformed Meca of the United States, also a - formerly - highly conservative region of the United States. We...

Love is Lov(ing Your Neighbor as Yourself)
“And he said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the...

What isn't the Gospel
Is God the Father, a cosmic child abuser? Did Jesus need to die? Could God have simply forgiven the sins of the whole world?

How Far Is TOO Far?
“How far can we go sexually before marriage?” Often, though not always, the heart behind the question is unholy and unhealthy. There is a...

God v.s. Evil
There is no good, only God. The "war" isn't between good and evil, but the "war" is between God and evil. Goodness comes from God and God...