A Reflection on Psalm 137
Do you want to understand how one of the darkest passages of scripture could actually be a beautiful song for the church?

You would be mistaken if you thought the word above was a typo. The word is a new word for ex-evangelical. It is a word that describes...

A Reflection on Psalm 50
Take a minute to read Psalm 50 before you read this reflection. The loudest sound you may ever hear is the sound of God’s people...

Reflection on Psalm 22
Who hasn’t felt like David in this Psalm? It’s conflicted. It's ruthlessly honest. It's hopelessly hopeful, and yet it isn’t willing to...

Now that Roe V. Wade has Been Overturned
“The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that had provided a constitutional right to abortion.” It is...

Why “Let’s Go Brandon” is an anti-Christian phrase
Can a Christian say, wear or promote the phrase, "let's go Brandon?"

NeoMoral Imperialism
There once was a day where Christians winced at the — once progressive — notion of “coexist.” You remember the bumper stickers. I...

What do I say to my friend when their church says homosexuality isn’t sinful?
I live in West Michigan, the Reformed Meca of the United States, also a - formerly - highly conservative region of the United States. We...

George Floyd Verdict, our response, and the Gospel
The Associated Press reported yesterday, “Former Minneapolis Officer Derek Chauvin was convicted Tuesday of murder and manslaughter for...

The Danger of Missions
There are two types of churches. Churches who are good at supporting missions (giving money to missionaries or mission organizations), or...