Porn Resources
Can we just say it? This is awkward to talk about. No less so than to talk about it with your child. But with all that said, it means that this is a crucial conversation to have with your kids, now before they have a conversation with, the older kid on their bus, their friend, or (unfortunately common) the internet itself.
Your kids need you! Because God chose you for them and them for you. They need you to speak godly words into their lives and to protect them from hurt that could last a lifetime.
Stats on Porn
71% of teens have done something to hide what they do online from their parents (this includes clearing browser history, minimizing a browser when in view, deleting inappropriate videos, lying about behavior, using a phone instead of a computer, blocking parents with social media privacy settings, using private browsing, disabling parental controls, or having e-mail or social media accounts unknown to parents).
According to Focus on the Family, that the average age at which a child is exposed to pornography is eight years old.
93% of boys and 62% of girls were exposed to pornography before 18.
The porn industry is very profitable, as stated by List25. It makes more than the NFL, the NBA, and the MLB combined. From a news perspective, it makes more than NBC, CBS, and ABC combined.
Covenant Eyes
This accountability service helps you overcome porn by monitoring your screen activity and sending a report to a trusted ally who holds you accountable for your online choices.
Covenant Eyes focuses on 4 things:
Screen Monitoring
Our software periodically captures screenshots of your screen activity and stores them securely on your device.
Screenshot Analysis
Advanced artificial intelligence analyzes those screenshots, on your device, for explicit imagery.
Screenshot Processing
The software rates the images, blurs them to protect your privacy, then prioritizes them based on content.
Activity Reporting
A report of concerning activity, circumvention attempts and other activity is sent to you and your ally.
Sky Hawk
Skydog is a newcomer to the router space—the fruit of a Kickstarter campaign. The router itself is not the fastest among those we've tested and lacks some advanced features. Skydog is, however, a terrific watchdog over the content your children access on the Web. Skydog lets parents manage content based on not just device by name, but also by individual users they can create in the router's management software. This software also includes preconfigured "black lists" of adult website and questionable content.
KoalaSafe Family Friendly Wireless Router
The KoalaSafe parental control router makes parenting easier and kids healthier. This wireless router works on all devices. Not only is KoalaSafe for your desktop computer, you now have tablets with parental controls. It's a tool for parents to set up internet time limits, block inappropriate apps and sites, and see analytics of where kids spend time online, across all devices in the home, controlled by a simple smartphone app.